Thursday, April 9, 2009

I hear love never fails.

Dear person who reads this:

I am about to tell you a few stories, I don't know if you'll like them but hey, you can always hit the big red X in the top right hand corner (assuming your not using a Mac).

Story number one, I was in a Chapters last weekend, I felt inspired, full of love, energy and ____(fill in blank with synomyn of Niceness). It was great so I bought myself a little journal, red it was. I though hey red, heart, love, blood, etc. I thought I can write in this book really eventful and important things that happen, that absolutely needs to be documented. So far I have one page written on, and it's a small page! The page says, "I hear love never fails." I feel sort of... hmm, boring I suppose is the word I'm looking for. So in my mind I was boring, then...
(Story number 2!)

So my friend is having a "sweet sixteen" party tonight, titled.. "sketch fest!" I know right, the title says it all? Well the whole week I wasn't planning on going, people asked if I was and sometimes I would tell the turth and simply say no Im not planning on it, I don't want to be the only sober one there. Other times people would ask why wouldn't I just drink, I came up with something clever like " I have mono, if I drink my spleen will erupt." Hey, they bought it. And other times, when I was really fed up I told people I was just going to go. In the end, I made up my mind. I was going. I wasn't going to be the only sober one, and I built up the will power in my mind to be able to say no to anyone who wantd me to drink. I was set, anyway... it didn't work out and I ended up not going at all.
I sort of regret it though, I mean now all weekend/weel people are going to be telling me how awesome it was. I just sort of wish I was there. Not stuck at home like the rest of "those people", I'm not one of "those people!"

So between being a boring writer in my red book and being a boring person in general, I feel just plain boring.

Do you ever really dislike someone almost hate someone and they really did nothing to you to deserve that hatred? It's wierd.

I know this guy and I swear he lives to piss me off. But hey, get over it Colton, If God got pissed everytime I was an idiot.... well that would just be hell, literally.

I failed my permit today, by one question!!!
Well I got four wrong, but one too many wrong!

Now that my bitterness is out, I think I can maybe even talk a little bit on some cool stuff. If you did not hit that big red X yet, I know tempting right?

I am really feeling restless lately, like I want a change or I want to do something, I just can't keep living my life the way I am now. There are so many ways I can take that. Sometimes I wish what God wanted was so clear, actually half the time it is that clear we are just to stunned, or in my case stubborn to see it.