Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10th

Street Invaders..
I am keeping a journal, hopefully I will be able to post the high lights of my three weeks from my journal on to here after im finished.
Here is a hint so far, I am emotionally drained already!
God is so good, and I really am burning with passion.
This is whole thing is quite the expierence.
I don't even know what to say...
Phenominal, I have so much to learn and do and to grow into...

Please pray if you read this, I love you.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I find myself overwhelmed with emotion and I have no way to say it out loud, or to write it down.. I don't know what it is. But I feel right. I feel happy. I feel so excellent. Yet on the verge of tears.
thats all I can say.
I can only smile.
I feel like I will have a hard time talking to people after street invaders because no one will be on the same spiritual high as me... and maybe im feeling that already.
Im not sure.